Incentivize Students to Improve Academic Performance

If there's one thing we know it's that elementary school students who are motivated and engaged tend to do better academically. So whats the best way to encourage these young minds? When coming up with an effective system of incentives for your students it's important to remember that the intention of a reward system should be to keep kids interested, determined and fulfilled and not a bribe to do their work or be on their best behaviour.

Developing a successful system requires consistency from both educators and students and may need to be reviewed often to make sure that everyone is holding up their end of the bargain. Here are some realistic tips for creating a mutually beneficial reward system with your class.

Set Objectives
Every Monday, have a discussion with your class and decide on a handful of objectives for the week. For example, completing their homework on time for the whole week or completing a class project. Then break these down into smaller, daily steps. Create a visual calendar on the board and follow up on their progress each day.

Words of Encouragement
Positive motivation from an adult can be incredibly boosting for children. Knowing that someone cares about their progress and wants the best for them helps kids to feel reassured and want to strive to be the best they can be.

Rewarding Effort
When you see students putting in extra effort, showing positive attitudes or completing goals, demonstrate your appreciation and acknowledgement. A reward doesn't have to be a physical thing. Try rewarding students with 5 minutes of dancing at the end of class to congratulate a job well done or let students pick their own groups for an activity.


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