Proper Potty Language
When it comes to toilet talk there are a lot of wavering opinions. There are mothers and fathers who insist on using medical terms straight off the bat, and then there are the parents who still say wee-wee and pee-pee themselves! We talked to some educators and parents who believe that the perfect compromise is somewhere in the middle. Check out our tips below to see what we’re talking about.
At daycare and school, it’s best if everyone is using the same language to avoid confusion. ECE’s should reach out to their parents at the beginning of the year to disclose what kind of language will be used at the center.
Parents should be on board with the terminology set out by the center. If you cannot agree on the same words, this might not be the center for you.
Body shame can start at a very early age. Prevent this by keeping children in the loop with the correct words to use for their body parts.
This doesn’t mean you have to get rid of any affectionate or cutesy words you use, just ensure that the child is aware of both meanings.
Try to avoid passing on any body embarrassment and be open to talking about it with your children. They should know that their bodies are normal and functioning well.